Site or Folder Field

Last Updated: Oct 20, 2023
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documentation for the dotCMS Content Management System

Adding a Site or Folder Field to a Content Type allows contributors the ability to place content they create into appropriately permissioned locations in the virtual directory structure.

Site or Folder field appearance.


By default every piece of content is located in the same location as its parent Content Type, and inherits permissions from the Content Type. By adding a Site or Folder field to the Content Type, however, you can change how users access and have access to individual content items of that Content Type.

When a Content Type does not have a Site or Folder field, content contributors have no control over where the content is located or how the content is permissioned. In this case, all users who have permissions to the Content Type have the same permissions over all of the individual content items created using that Content Type.

When a Content Type does have a Site or Folder field, each content contributor may create content in any location they have permission to access, and content contributors will only be able to View, Edit, and Publish content based on the permissions the user has for the location where the content is located.

That is, the Site or Folder field only allows users to save individual content items to hosts or folders that the user — or the Roles the user is assigned — has permissions for; when individual content items are saved, the content items inherit permissions from the specific location where the content item was saved.

For example, if a user only has rights to save content to the /News/ folder, then the user will only be able to save individual content items to the News folder. After creating a new content item, the content item will inherit the permissions from the “parent” /News/ folder.

After this content item is saved, only the users and Roles that have permissions to child content in the /News/ folder will be able to view and/or edit the content item just created.

The addition of the Site of Folder field allows you to manage the permissions of created content based on the permissions of folders and locations users have access to, rather than based on permissions of the Content Types themselves. This, in turn, enables you to share the same Content Type among multiple different groups of users, but still maintain separate permissions for the individual content items created by those users, based on user and Role permissions.

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