Adding a Page

Last Updated: Jan 21, 2020
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documentation for the dotCMS Content Management System

The most common way to create a new Page is from within the Site Browser tool (Site -> Browser). However a new Page can be created from multiple places.

Locations to Add a Page

Site Browser Folder

Right-click on a folder, click on new, and then click again on Page.

Site Browser Detail Area

Click on the +Add New button on the right hand side of the Site Browser detail.

In the Page Editor

Click Create New Page in the action sidebar while editing any Page.

Page Properties

The following table lists the properties of the default Page Asset Content Type:

PropertyDefault ValueDescription
TitleNoneThe name of the Page, displayed in both the dotCMS Site Browser and the user's Browser.
Host or FolderThe folder currently selected
in the Site Browser
The parent folder of the Page.
TemplateSee BelowThe Template used to display and edit the Page.
Friendly NameAutomatically set to
match the Title
The name displayed in the menu (when the Show On Menu property is selected).
UrlAutomatially generated
from the Title
The URL of the page (within the parent folder's URL path).
Show On MenuFalseChecking this option causes the Page to automatically appear in any dynamic navigation menus that display the current folder.
Sort Order (legacy)0A numeric value used to sort the order of objects in the navigation menu.
  • This value is only used if the Page has the Show On Menu property selected.
  • This is a legacy feature; you may now re-order the menus using a drag-and-drop method from the Page editing screen.
Cache TTL15Time (in seconds) to cache the page contents.

Note: The default Page Asset Content Type includes only the minimum required fields needed to create a Page. Custom Page Types can be created with additional fields.

Default Template

By default, no Template is selected for a new Page, and you must select one when creating the Page, since Template is a required field.

However there are two different ways that you can specify a default Template to use.

1. Create a Template Named “Default Template”

With the standard (out-of-the-box) dotCMS configuration, when you create a Page, the system will look for a Template name “Default Template”. If you have a Template with this name, that Template will automatically be assigned to all new Pages.

You may change the Template assigned to the Page at any time, either before or after saving the new Page.

2. Specify the Name of the Default Template

The name of the default Template is specified via the DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME property in the file. To make an existing Template the default Template for new pages, change this property:


If there is no Template in the system with a name that matches the value set in this property, then new Pages will not be assigned a Template automatically, and you must manually select a Template before you can save any new Page.

Editing the New Page

When you first create a new page and Save or Save/Publish, the page is displayed but remains locked, so new content can't be added to the page:

To add content to the page, choose Lock for Editing from the action sidebar. New objects can now be added to the containers in the page (based on the Template assigned to the page):

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